Isabelle Jean

Executive vice-president and chief operating officer of lotteries, Loto-Québec

“It’s going to be a huge change for me and my loved ones. But I see it as both a gesture of solidarity and an opportunity to spark discussions in my workplace. I hope to raise awareness about Leucan’s mission around me. That’s how I picture my involvement.”


After joining Loto-Québec ten years ago, Isabelle Jean was named Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, Lottery Operations in 2017. She also oversees the management of the brand image and all communications and marketing. Additionally, the mother of two is President of the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation, which operates lotteries across the country. She makes it a personal duty to get involved in various causes.

Isabelle Jean is conscientious and likes to do things right, never with indifference or in half measures. For that reason, she sometimes dithers before making a decision and acting on it. Just like she did with this invitation from Leucan. She went back and forth for three weeks. “It will require a huge personal effort to reach the end of this challenge. I’m usually not comfortable taking part in that kind of event. I don’t consider myself very daring.” We, of course, beg to differ.

The mother of two girls, aged two and nine, rose through the ranks at Loto-Québec over the past ten years. “It’s always a little tougher for women to get promoted in the workplace, especially with a young family. I have always worked hard to clear the way, get off the beaten track, and carve my place.”

Help Beyond Nervousness

After a thoughtful consideration of the impact of joining the Audacieuses on her personal and professional life, she was happy and excited to accept. “When I get involved in something, I put my heart in it and contribute all my efforts and energy. I wanted to be sure of my decision, so I talked about it with my husband, my oldest daughter, and my closest colleagues. They all encouraged me to go for it.” No turning back now.

Still, Isabelle Jean does not hide her nervousness. After all, it’s not every day one gets a radical new look. “I’m nervous for sure! But it’s so much more important for me to help sick children, their families, and all the people who take care of them. I’m so lucky to have two healthy daughters. I’m perfectly aware of how blessed I am. It’s a cause that really moves me and it’s crucial for me to do my part.”

She sees the collective shave as a happy event and is quite in awe of her fellow Audacieuses—both from this year’s cohort and last year’s. “They are brave and inspiring. Knowing I would be joining this group of women played a big part in my decision. It will be easier doing this as part of a group. We can cheer each other on.”

A Memory for Life

“It’s still going to be a huge change for me and my loved ones. But I see it as both a gesture of solidarity and an opportunity to spark discussions in my workplace. I hope to raise awareness about Leucan’s mission around me. That’s how I picture my involvement.”

Until the big day comes, she prefers not to dwell on it too much. Still, she cannot help wondering what she will look like after the challenge. “It makes me nervous, even worried at times. But beauty and femininity go beyond one’s hair. We are so much more than our physical appearance. I don’t think people will give it that much attention; the message is what will resonate the most.” With a little luck, Isabelle might even inspire others to do the same. “I certainly hope to encourage people to get involved.”

She also wonders how her baby girl will react to her new look. “She will probably ask what happened to her mommy!” One thing is for sure: Isabelle will remember this one-of-a-kind experience for the rest of her life.
