Catherine Sylvestre

Lawyer and mediator, Sylvestre Painchaud et associés

“I believe there are different ways to be feminine, to be beautiful, to be comfortable with yourself and to forge ahead confidently.” It’s important to get this message across, especially to young girls and to women, but also to the general public. We really need to deconstruct society’s rules of beauty and raise everyone’s awareness a little.” 

Catherine is a lawyer and mediator with the firm Sylvestre Painchaud et Associés, which she runs with her two partners. She practises civil law for a diverse clientele including non-profit organizations, cooperatives and social economy enterprises. She’s also involved in many class actions. A respectful and genuine person who is generous with her time, Catherine has often volunteered for causes dear to her. Before obtaining her law degree, she also completed a bachelor’s in philosophy. Catherine is a woman of integrity who loves people. This is why she said YES to Les Audacieuses. 

Why did she say yes to a project like Les Audacieuces? Catherine’s answer was along the lines of how can you say no? “There were plenty of reasons to decline, but they all had to do with my own fears and insecurities. In the end, I felt that those reasons were insufficient to turn down such a precious project.” 

Values are what drive this big-hearted woman’s decisions. “I agreed to be an Audacieuse because it’s in line with my values. What touches me most about Leucan’s services is how they support families financially. When a family is going through something as destabilizing as childhood cancer, it must be reassuring to know they can count on that kind of support.” 

By shaving her head, Catherine intends to send a clear message to others. “I believe there are different ways to be feminine, to be beautiful, to be comfortable with yourself and to forge ahead confidently.” It’s important to get this message across, especially to young girls and to women, but also to the general public. We really need to deconstruct society’s rules of beauty and raise everyone’s awareness a little.” 

A positive leader 

Catherine is a positive and thoughtful leader who makes respect for oneself and others a priority. “It’s important to make a positive contribution in life. I need to be true to my values. Sometimes, certain actions require an extra effort, forcing you to discover lesser-known facets of yourself. But you need to go there if you want to excel and make a difference. My way of inspiring people is by taking action. For me, what counts is doing a good job of whatever you undertake. It took me a long time to get there, but today I can safely say that I’m a positive leader!” 

Family is at the heart of Catherine’s life. “Family values are vital to me. Being there for the people I love is a priority, and that means making choices. So when I agree to take part in a project, it’s because I’m really excited about it!” 

Accepting herself and her limits 

Learning to love yourself, including your good and not-so-good sides, is a true victory! “As time goes by, I’m more and more comfortable with who I am. And I think it’s just as challenging to accept your good qualities as it is to recognize your flaws. What counts is doing your best without being smug.” 

When going through difficult times, “you have to be able to listen to yourself and put yourself first. Accepting performing less effectively in certain areas for as long as it takes is also a strength.” 

Catherine draws her strength from love when facing an ordeal. “Love is essential. Within a couple, of course, but also with those around you. It’s this love that gives you the courage to overcome challenges.” 

Proud of taking a bold path 

Catherine is an instinctive and daring woman. “I think boldness has to do with others. By that I mean stepping outside the norm. There’s always an element of risk in acting boldly. And taking part in Les Audacieuses definitely feels a bit risky!”  

She is daring in many aspects of her life, including at work. She thinks outside the box to offer her employees an appealing working environment. “I’m proud to work in a people-focused milieu that encourages employee development. With my two partners, we offer a safe and respectful space, where work-life balance is valued. We’re a little unconventional in that way compared to the usual standards of the legal industry, which often has crazy hours.” 

Her career brings her much pride and joy, but it won’t ever surpass the pride she feels about her family. “Many things make me feel proud, but my daughter is my most precious gift. My daughter and my family make me very proud.”