Catherine Pellerin
Partner and producer, Pixel Creative Firm
« My hair is part of my trademark style. I own my punk-rock girl look to the max. I’ve always been one to dare and try different things, and this project will truly take me in a whole new direction. I do not feel all that worried or stressed out about the idea. If I don’t like it, who cares? Hair grows back. »
A team builder with a heart of gold, Catherine Pellerin teamed up with a partner 15 years ago to found a production company: Pixel Firme créative. Catherine puts her creativity, energy, and authenticity to create and produce video communication tools with an expert hand. As a happy and proud mom of two, she feels especially drawn to Leucan’s cause. Even though her hair has become her personal trademark over the years, she agreed to join the Audacieuses in the hopes to inspire a wind of change in our society and, of course, to improve the well-being of cancer-stricken children.
“I’m the mom of two wonderful children and my little Emma has a foot disability; a rare case in the world. I know what it’s like when your child’s health is not optimal: feeling like you spend more time in hospital than at home; the many surgeries, never knowing when it will finally end. Today, my daughter’s 14 and on a wait list for another surgery in the spring. In a way, this experience allows me to understand better the stress and worry felt by parents of very sick children.”
She wanted to take on this project for her children and their future. “They are our future, our legacy. My mother’s heart just wants to see them grow healthy and prosper. That is the major reason behind my decision.”
Catherine’s Leitmotiv: Paying it Forward
Inspired by her mother and her career in community work, Catherine has always felt the call to pay it forward. Through her actions and positive influence, she improves the world and inspires change around her.
“Paying it forward is a huge motivating factor for me, both in my personal and professional lives. From the moment we launched the company 15 years ago, we found ways to give back to the community. It’s part of our very mission. I’m made like that, it’s part of my DNA. I was raised in this way. Doing good around me is always a priority.”
Driven by this force, she took it a step further in 2021. Municipal politics became an additional channel through which Catherine could support and give back to her community.
“I put my name forward as city councillor. I wanted to make a difference in my own way. I wanted to be a voice for my fellow citizens. It’s so important for me to go and meet them and see how I can help; how I can be a positive leader for them. I like to see the results of my actions right away. I get such a kick out of seeing the happiness of people in my town.”
Letting Go of her Trademark Style for the Cause
Catherine Pellerin’s undeniable charisma, flamboyant personality, and funky hairdo are all integral part of her. But she’s also someone who dares, and today, she dares to change her look for Leucan. “My hair is part of my trademark style. I own my punk-rock girl look to the max. Let’s just say I do not go unnoticed in the business world. I’ve always been one to dare and try different things, and this project will truly take me in a whole new direction. I do not feel all that worried or stressed out about the idea. If I don’t like it, who cares? Hair grows back.”
Catherine stands out from the crowd. Her distinctive identity extends all the way to her hairstyle. She is willing to go under the razor’s blade and to alter her look knowing that this simple gesture will have a positive impact on society and the way women see their own femininity. She hopes that by standing out even more, she will bring attention to the cause she champions.
“We are going to attract a lot of attention. And that’s fine. This will raise awareness for the cause and get people talking. It’s true that hair is a part of femininity but in my opinion, there is much more to being a woman. Women are made up of so many facets.”
By getting her head shaved, she also hopes to deconstruct some of the shortcuts our minds can take about physical differences; all the preconceived notions about a person’s appearance.
“I’m curious to see how people will react. Many of us will immediately associate a person sporting a shaved head with cancer or treatments. I’ve been through major weight loss in the past and heard remarks like ‘Oh my God, are you sick?’ or ‘Are you OK?’ People thought I was sick even though I was in top shape. I’m hoping that this gesture will open the discussion and help to break the mould.”
Believe in your own Success
To build her own confidence, Catherine often steps out of her comfort zone.
“I always go in, believing that I can succeed. No one can take that away from me. The path may be hard. I might fall but I will get back up. You need to have faith in yourself because no one can believe in you as well you can. When you’re confident, everything is possible.”
She quickly realized that believing in herself and in her dreams and ambitions is the key to success. Of course, it all hinges on boldness. Daring is part of who she is.
“It’s stimulating for me to get off the beaten path and do things differently. I don’t like to follow the same route as everyone else. I don’t mind getting off road and exploring a little. I’m an Audacieuse through and through!”