Brigitte Dagnault
Assistant Vice-president, Marketing Canada, Sunlife
“We only have one life to live, so we need to live to the max. The Challenge fits in well with the way I live generally.”
Colourful and energetic, Brigitte Dagnault always lives her life like it could end at any moment. That is the motivation behind most of her choices and decisions. Armed with a sharp business acumen, she holds the position of Assistant Vice-President, Marketing – Canada at Sun Life. With a passion for communications, she constantly innovates to raise the company’s profile and impact in the markets. After serving as Ambassador of The Leucan Experience since 2018, she sees the Audacieuses project like an opportunity for renewal.
Brigitte Dagnault is not about half-measures. “I’ve always been a bit of a daredevil. I enjoy pushing the limits and challenging the status quo.” As such, she is tackling the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge with the firm intention to experience it fully: a skin-close shave. “We only have one life to live, so we need to live to the max! The Challenge fits in well with the way I live generally.”
“I want the full experience. Cancer-stricken children lose all of their hair. I want to get as close as possible to what they experience, all the while remembering that unlike them, I’m not sick. If you leave on a little length of hair, it actually looks cool. Tons of celebrities do it. I’m not doing it to be cool but to turn the spotlight on Leucan and its wonderful mission.”
Dagnault is aware that as she walks down the street or run errands, people will look at her with curiosity or downright stare. “This will be an opportunity to bring even more attention to the cause. I want to experience that.” To raise money and consciousness and to perhaps inspire others to do the same.
Say goodbye to la grande rousse!
Brigitte Dagnault is a tall redhead with piercing green eyes. “My looks leave a mark. People will often say, ‘Brigitte? Ah yes, the tall redhead!’ It’s part of my brand, quite unintentionally. That’s why initially, it didn’t make sense for me to get my head shaved. How could anyone expect me to do that?” But her hesitation barely lasted 24 hours. Her husband convinced her on that very evening. “If you don’t do it, you will regret it so much,” he said. “When they launch the campaign, you’ll feel like a coward and regret not being a part of it.” As it turned out, he was right. “I just couldn’t say no.”
Starting from scratch
The dynamic executive is not concerned about losing her hair—quite the opposite. She sees it as an opportunity to start over from scratch. “I have a lot of grey hair: will I continue to colour it? More and more, I’ve been using natural products and trying to eat organic food… Maybe giving up hair dye is the next logical step? Here is a golden opportunity to dare doing it.”
She believes that this new look will go beyond the surface and lead to a more profound transformation. “It’s the perfect excuse to reinvent myself. A friend of mine took on the Challenge a few years ago, and it really induced her to ask herself tough questions and to turn a corner toward a more natural and authentic self. I’m excited to see what the Challenge will bring to me. I can only draw good things from it!”
The Strength of the Group
“I’m a group person! So, it’s a big plus for me to be doing this with fellow women. I don’t think I would have the guts to go it alone. Being part of a group will give us all an extra dose of courage. I hope that we can cheer and motivate each other and talk about the impact our gesture had on the people around us.”
Her only worry? Being cold. “Since I’m always cold, I’ll probably have to sleep with a tuque on. For my virtual meetings, I’ll have to find a pretty tuque or a cute and warm hat. Otherwise, I think this will be amazing!”
Exceptionally, this woman who prefers to stay behind the scene will step into the limelight. “I honestly prefer to let others shine and I hate having my picture taken. However, I try to remember that I’m not putting myself but the cause forward. I see it as a once-in-a-lifetime experience!”